In Japan, we provide optimal distribution services tailored to individual customers’ needs through our wide range of warehouse facilities and cutting-edge delivery centers. Goods are stored in an appropriate warehouse—such as a free warehouse, fixed temperature warehouse, or hazardous materials warehouse—with warehousing and inventory managed using our WMS system.
DC Added-value Warehouse
Amano Kaisoten responds to increasingly complex distribution needs via our function-packed delivery system.
Logistics Center

With its diverse range of processing functions, the delivery center is the core base of our total distribution network system. In accordance with customers’ orders, Amano Kaisoten carries out various processes ranging from inspections and sorting to packaging, distribution processing, and invoice preparation. By progressing rapidly to the delivery process, we are able to promise efficient distribution services.
Furthermore, it is possible to check warehousing/inventory management status in real time.
Convenience Store Cooperative Delivery (Hamamatsu Co-delivery Center)
Amano Kaisoten also has considerable expertise and facilities with regard to cooperative delivery. Demonstrating our product management capabilities and mobility to the maximum, we contribute significantly to reducing distribution costs.
Mail Order Distribution

With our considerable expertise in the area of mail order distribution, Amano Kaisoten provides customers with the facilities and know-how to enable them to concentrate on expanding their business activities with peace of mind. Regarding mail order distribution of imported products, we can provide reduced distribution costs by developing B to C distribution from the Port of Shimizu, which is located in the center of Japan.