Handling/import/export of seaborne goods
We assist customers with all aspects of their import/export business needs, utilizing our accumulated expertise.
Authorized Customs Broker/Authorized Economic Operator (AEO)

At Amano Kaisoten, we have constructed cargo security management and compliance systems. In 2008, we received accreditation as an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), and in 2016 we were accredited as an Authorized Customs Broker. As an AEO, we provide customers with accurate tax declarations in addition to safe and swift cargo handling.
Export Activities
With international distribution growing in importance, Amano Kaisoten proposes the most appropriate and strategic international distribution services tailored to the needs and requests of our customers. By coordinating the know-how that we have gained over many years with the very latest IT technology, we provide a wide range of export-related services, freeing our customers from the complex paperwork that is ordinarily required.
Concluding an Agreement

Flow of Export Process

Shin-Okitsu International Distribution Center (bonded warehouse)
The location of the Shin-Okitsu International Distribution Center, adjacent to the Shimizu Port Container Terminal enables rapid, timely handling of maritime containers. This high-functioning warehouse stands two-stories high. Built of reinforced concrete strong enough to withstand a Level 2 tsunami, the building is also equipped with emergency generators for use in the event of a major disaster, such as an earthquake.

Inside the Shin-Okitsu International Distribution Center(360° view)
Materials Handling
Amano Kaisoten has introduced “materials handling” at our warehouses within port areas, enabling automated sorting of goods while simultaneously preparing shipment notices in real time. Using IT technology, we have been able to improve work efficiency and distribution quality, designing the very best distribution tailored to each customer’s requests and product characteristics.
Import Activities
With consumption patterns changing daily, customers’ needs are also changing and diversifying. Amano Kaisoten’s strengths are our deep knowledge and long experience regarding the import customs clearance and related legal procedures necessary for efficiently carrying out import activities. And, in addition to providing logistics facilities that are both bonded warehouse and delivery centers—making them ideal for delivering goods nationwide once import permission has been granted—our staff experts in import/delivery procedures will provide your company with all the assistance you need.
Concluding an Agreement

Flow of Import Process

Arranging Delivery of Imported Products
Amano Kaisoten has a full lineup of work equipment for handling a wide range of imported products. Moreover, we can handle delivery of containers and devanned cargo, thanks to our wide array of tractor heads.
Cargo-handling of frozen tuna which is the largest catch in Japan
Amano Kaisoten also acts as an agent for refrigerated cargo carriers and fishing vessels.

GOUTA MARU( Toei Reefer Line ltd.)

No. 204 TAISEI MARU(Taiseimarukaiun Co.,Ltd. )